
Introducing… Your Musical Career!

If you are reading this post right now… Congratulations!

At this very moment, you are already one step ahead of most your competitors.

Believe it or not, by simply taking the time out to read this post and educate yourself about the music industry and how to accomplish your dreams, you’re taking a crucial step that most artists foolishly overlook.

Plus, you’re learning an extremely valuable lesson that most aspiring artists are not aware of: TALENT ISN’T EVERYTHING.

Now, you may be a little taken aback by this news, and may be thinking, ‘huh, how could talent not be everything?!’.

I’m not saying talent isn’t a determining factor in success, because it definitely is, I’m simply saying that it’s not as important or essential as one might think.

Knowing this insider information is absolutely priceless, and gave you a massive advantage within seconds.

Since you’re reading this blog right now, I already know that you have the other essential ingredient to success: passion, dedication, wherewithal, and that entrepreneurial spirit needed to put my advice into action. So make sure to absorb what I’m telling you, and I promise it will be worth your while, time, and undivided attention.

Without further delay, let’s get started; get ready to learn how to triumphantly break into the music industry, conquer it and leave your mark!

When I started my journey, I didn’t have anywhere or anyone to go to for help, advice, or guidance; the internet was still in its infancy, there weren’t resources on deck, I was too young to have any personal contacts.

See, I came up in a world where: you make great music, you get discovered, you become successful, period.

But with the internet (think: YouTube and the like), the music scene has changed forever. Over the past ten years, there has been an incredible 510% increase in the number of professional musicians, and more people than ever are attempting to maintain a serious musical career.

The path to success changed considerably, and the smooth path to musical fame that once existed has now been completely demolished; replaced by one much more frequently traveled, with many more bumps and obstacles.

This is both a good and bad thing.

On one hand, it gives a lot more artists the opportunity to get noticed but, on the other hand, it discourages the majority from ever crossing that finish line as it is so long, winding, and tedious. But, realistically, this can work in your favor if you stay focused and dedicated.

What most people miss is that the longer you stay on the path to success, the less congested it gets! In other words, if you have the passion, dedication, and perseverance to keep going and pushing, before you know it, you’ll have reached your destination, and, in the process, ran right past your competition to the top.

Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a short or easy path to travel on by any means… actually, most people will say that it’s only once you feel like quitting that the end will finally present itself.

The truth is, the road to musical success is anything but a sprint. If anything, it’s more like a marathon; requiring all the training, sweat, and (seemingly endless) time-invested in order to achieve that prize and hold that ‘champion’ title.

So, having said all that, you should remember the two main sides of the music industry (which will ultimately determine whether or not you ‘make it big’):

  1. The musical side

This is where you find yourself and discover who you are/wish to be as a creative artist.

Also, this should remind you to acquire new, valuable musical skills/abilities; encouraging you to break out of your comfort zone, always evolve, and make sure your content is supreme (the best it could be).

  1. The business side

This should enable you to start building your brand.

A brand is simply how you’ll promote yourself as an artist; which entails advertising your music/musical skills, building and growing your fan base, and spreading your music across all avenues in order to get people talking about you (and, ultimately, getting you noticed by the ‘higher-ups’).

We used to live in a world where it was more about who you knew, and less about how hard you hustle, but today… it’s ALL about the information you acquire and the strategic way in which you apply it that dictates your success and longevity.

If you only gain one thing out of this entire article, make sure it’s this: musical talent alone DOES NOT and WILL NOT get you where you want to be!

You know that age-old saying, ‘knowledge is power?’ Well, that couldn’t be more true… especially in this situation.

Don’t be one of those people who undoubtedly have talent, but never get anywhere significant because they thought that would be the only thing they needed, please… because, I’m telling you firsthand, that is no longer the case.

So, now that you’re well aware of the fact that you must educate yourself (constantly), strap in tight and get ready to begin your decent into greatness and success. I’m here with you, and I’ll be here with you throughout your entire journey, I promise; whatever help or advice you need, you can always come to me.

Learn from my mistakes, heed my advice, and take into account everything I share with you and, in no time, you’ll most certainly retain all the knowledge you’ll ever need in order to officially call yourself a musician.

So, what do you say… ready to make all your wildest dreams a reality? Let’s do this!


  1. VickyPedia

    I love music I live music , music is my passion not only a passion this is what I daily need to being myself

    I have been financially empty at this stage , how could I get source or sponsor or any help to setup a studio for further music production , It really depends to produce a good music at least a home studio , what to do mam?

    • Dusti Miraglia

      Hey Vicky, thank you for your interest and I really appreciate your passion! Believe it or not, setting up a home studio not only is easy and adequate for your situation but it is also relatively inexpensive. Keep in mind that the music you create really has no bounds in terms of having a ‘better’ studio. Get the essentials and the rest is up to you! All you need is a modest computer or even tablet, a Microphone (in the US $100 dollar range) as well as an audio interface (optional if you are recording, obtain a USB Microphone) at around the same price. That will get you started. You will also need to pick a DAW if not a Mac User, many are free. I suggest Tracktion 6. You will also need to learn its basic functions but it should only take a few hours to get up and recording. If you don’t need to record and just want to produce many DAWs are out and it all depends on your workflow. I use FL Studio, Reason and Studio One. From there you can upgrade at your own pace. We will be going over home studio setup soon but don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions. Keep Following the passion!

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